STV Fundraising Events
Track-A-Thon is one of St. Thomas of Villanova School’s largest fundraisers of the year. It brings together the efforts of students, parents and teachers as children walk or run laps in the school parking lot to raise money for the school through pledges. All children from St. Thomas of Villanova School participate in this fundraiser. The children enjoy contributing to this great event.
Track-A-Thon is an annual event held in the early Fall, usually in September, during regular school hours. After all money is collected a prize rally and pizza lunch is held in October. The Track-A-Thon money goes directly towards offsetting the school’s budget. It is a great opportunity to empower the students with the responsibility of making a significant contribution towards their own education.
Each child is sponsored by relatives and friends to pledge an amount per lap or by giving a total amount. Many employers and corporations match donations dollar for dollar. Parents are encouraged to check if their employer has this type of matching program. Contact the school office for more information on matching grants. All money a student raises goes toward the family’s fundraising requirement.
All are invited to help in this great fundraiser. Please contact the school office for more information.
The St. Thomas of Villanova School Lottery raises money to help with the school budget operating expenses. Each month of the year, winners are drawn to receive monetary prizes. It is a fundraiser organized through the Family School Association. Tickets are sold to the parish community and neighborhood businesses.
Lottery tickets are sold during the first part of February. Parishioners will be informed through the parish bulletin or other means of communication as to what weekend tickets will be available for purchase at all the exits after Mass. Tickets can also be purchased through any school family, any representative from the Family School Association or by contacting the school office.
Families with children enrolled at St. Thomas of Villanova School are expected to sell twenty tickets to benefit the Family School Association. Additional tickets can be sold to fulfill fundraising requirements.
STV School Rewards Programs
Put your everyday shopping dollars to work. Earn money for STV School without spending anything additional. Gift cards are provided from local and national retailers (grocery, gasoline, clothing, restaurants, etc.) They are the same gift cards that are available in stores and e-gift certificates. Each card has a specified profit percentage (1% – 25%). You purchase the cards at face value, and STV receives the specified profit from each card sold.
DSP gift cards are purchased online at through our vendor, Great Lakes Scrip Co.
Box Tops & Labels for Education
Campbell’s brand “Labels for Educations” and General Mills brands “Box Tops for Education” can be dropped in the box at school or in drop boxes in the church gathering area. An easy way to earn cash for our school. Our school could earn up to $20,000 each year through the original Box Top$ program by clipping 10¢ Box Top$ coupons from hundreds of General Mills products and partnering brands. This is a great way for grandparents, neighbors and friends to get involved.