The FSA Mission
The mission of the FSA is to foster a spirit of unity of purpose and action among the parents and guardians of our school children in order to promote and support the educational, spiritual, community, and social programs at St. Thomas of Villanova School. This mission is achieved through educational, social, and fundraising activities during the year. The FSA provides an opportunity for parents, teachers and administrators to work together for the good of the school.
STV is proud to have a tradition of significant parental involvement. Parent volunteers bring creativity and enthusiasm that make the variety of wonderful enrichment activities and events at STV possible. The purpose of the Parents & Family Section is to instill a sense of community and reinforce school spirit by providing enhancements and activities for the students, parents, teachers, and school.
The FSA is responsible for organizing, coordinating, and implementing fundraising events and rewards programs like those listed below to support its efforts.
- Overseeing all of the volunteers for all activities that are hosted throughout the year
- Sponsoring fundraising events throughout the year
- Providing financial support for athletic program, additional technology needs, cultural enrichment programs, and appreciation/social events
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to be an active member on FSA. FSA organizes numerous volunteer opportunities. All school parents are invited to become involved in the many projects and events it sponsors.
The FSA meetings are held once a month. Consult the school newsletter and calendar for meeting times and locations. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend.
FSA oversees a variety of fundraising events and activities throughout the year to help you meet the child fundraising fee. The fundraising monies are applied towards items such as the following:
- Extra school supplies the budget does not cover, such as computer hardware and software, audiovisual and science equipment, and library and classroom needs
- Teacher appreciation events and gifts
- Funding the after school athletic program director
- Special purchases such as benches for playground, STV logo sports table cover, smart board for music room, and other classroom supplies
- Underwriting a cultural enrichment program to bring cultural events into the school
Some of the educational and social activities include Grandparent’s Day luncheon, open house events at the school, Santa Workshop, family rec nights, and Dine-n-Share evenings.
For additional information, please (847) 358-2110.