We provide a Catholic education for all.

Foundations of Faith

All School Worship

The school community attends Mass each Wednesday at 8:00am, Stations of the cross on Fridays during Lent and the Living Rosary in May. Family and Friends in our community are encouraged and invited to join the school body for any of these worship days.

Class Masses

Each grade is assigned a Mass throughout the year. Students participate by bringing the gifts to the altar during Offertory, reading the Epistle and the Responsorial Psalm, petitions, choir and being Altar servers.

Sacrament Of Reconciliation

Two adult classes are held for parents of students who are making the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Preparation for children start in second grade. Students participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year, before Christmas and in preparation for Easter during the school day for children who have made their first Confession.

First Communion

Two adult classes are held for parents of students who are receiving their First Holy Communion. Preparation for First Holy Communion is taught in second grade. First Holy Communion usually takes place two days after Easter.


Confirmation is a two year, family oriented process, generally beginning in the 7th grade, which prepares youth for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation at the end of 8th grade.

Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation. Students will receive the Holy Spirit, strengthening their bond to Christ and the Church. As fully initiated members of the Church, they become public witnesses to Christ and carry on the mission of the Apostles. Their journey begins in the seventh grade as they are confirmed in the spring of their eighth grade year. Students also are required to have 24 hours of service.

Altar Servers

Beginning in fourth grade, students may learn how to serve at Mass. They are called on to serve during Masses on the weekend, school Masses and for funerals. To be an altar server, contact the Parish Office for information.

Daily Prayer

Our students are involved in two daily prayers during announcements and the Rosary.

Daily Religion

Religious class is incorporated with daily readings and assignments.