Busing – District 15 Transportation

Your child is entitled to bus transportation at no charge if you are a resident of School District 15 and live 1-1/2 miles or more from the District-assigned school he or she will attend, or who live in an area declared to be hazardous as determined by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The Board of Education makes transportation available to other areas on a paid basis and accepts riders to the extent that transportation services are available and are approved on a case-by-case basis by transportation. No stops will be made less than one-half mile from the school building.

You will receive a letter from District 15 stating where your child’s pick up and drop off location is and what time to be at the bus stop. Bus-riding are dismissed 10 minutes before the rest of the school. If you are at the school for an event or meeting in the afternoon, please do not park in the front driveway. You will be blocked in by the busses and it creates a danger to the children as they leave.

Student Safety and Behavior—Most accidents or injuries to students occur when they are boarding or leaving the bus. Students must follow every precaution when entering or leaving the bus. If anything is dropped when getting on or off the bus, the youngster should not pick it up. The child should let the driver know that something has been dropped so the driver may assist the student. Parents are encouraged to review this rule with their children.

Please encourage your child(ren) to wear their seat belt while riding the bus.

All students who ride buses must follow the District’s School Bus Safety Guidelines:

  • Students are to board and depart the bus at their assigned stop only. Students are not permitted to ride another student’s bus.
  • Student walkers may not ride the buses.
  • Students should be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the bus. At the end of the school day, students are to go quickly to their bus’ designated area and wait in an orderly fashion for the bus to arrive.
  • While waiting for the bus, students are not to stand or play on the road or street. After exiting the bus, students who must cross the road must do so 10 feet in front of the bus and only when the stop arm is out and the flashers are operating, and must follow instructions from the bus driver.
  • Students are to remain seated throughout the entire bus ride.
  • Windows are not to be lowered below the safety mark. Students’ heads, hands, arms, and feet, and all objects must be kept inside the bus.
  • Loud conversation, profane language, throwing objects, and discourteous actions toward the bus driver or other passengers will not be tolerated.
  • Students are responsible for any damage to the bus.
  • Glass containers, live animals, and large objects may not be carried on the bus.

Students who display inappropriate behavior will have their transportation privileges taken away. Gross disobedience or misconduct providing grounds for suspension from riding the school bus includes:

  • Prohibited student conduct as defined in the Student Behavior Policy;
  • Willful injury or threat of injury to a bus driver or to another rider;
  • Willful damage and/or defacement of the bus;
  • Repeated use of profanity;
  • Repeated willful disobedience of the bus driver’s directives; or
  • Such other behavior as the administration deems to threaten the safe operation of the bus and/or its occupants.

To enhance bus safety, video cameras are installed on all District buses to assist the driver in monitoring student behavior. Students who display inappropriate behavior will be subject to consequences, which may include but are not limited to loss of bus riding privileges, detention, and/or suspension.

Arrival map

Arrival, Dismissal and Parking Protocols


If you are at the school for an event or meeting in the afternoon, please do not park in the front driveway. You will be blocked in by the busses and it creates a danger to the children as they leave. During drop off and pick up times, there is NO PARKING allowed before the stop sign at the front door. Once you are inside the cone range, you child can get out of the car and walk to the door.

School Arrival/Departure:

Students may not enter the building before school begins. Upon arrival they should line up at their assigned areas outside. On days of inclement weather students may enter the building upon arrival.

Students are requested not to arrive earlier than 7:15 a.m. or stay after 2:15 p.m. unless they are participating in a particular activity such as band or attending any meetings. There is no one at school before or after these times to supervise the children.

Please be kind and follow all arrival, dismissal and parking protocols. Also note that in order to maintain a safe environment for the children, cell phone use – including hands free use – is not allowed during pick up and drop off.


  • Please be patient and wait in line until the traffic moves forward – please do not pull out of the line to exit
  • Please be patient, do not honk for people to move forward in the car pick up/drop off line
  • Please do not use cell phones – including hands free – while dropping off or picking up your student(s)


PRESCHOOL DROP OFF: Drop off is on the side of the building, across from the playground, as soon as you pull into the parking lot. Pull straight forward and park in front of the playground. Walk your child to the door and leave.

PRESCHOOL PICK UP: For pick up, park in front of the playground. You will need to go into the school to pick up your preschooler.

School starts at 7:30 am. The first bell rings at 7:15 am.
School is out at 2:15 pm Monday – Thursday and Fridays at 1:30 pm.

MORNING DROP OFF: Pull into the driveway and follow the flow of traffic in the front of the school. There is NO PARKING allowed before the stop sign at the front door. Once you are inside the cone range, you child can get out of the car and walk to the door. If your child needs assistance getting out, there will be a volunteer greeter at the stop sign to open the car door and help your child out. If you need to get out of your car with your child, please pull up to the parking spots past the stop sign to park your car. Please watch for other cars going by! A diagram outlining the drop off flow is above.

AFTERNOON PICK UP: Pick up happens in the back of the school since the bus-riders and walkers are released from the front door. Enter the driveway and drive around to the back of the school. Pull up as far as you can in the car line. Cars usually from three rows leaving space between the rows to allow car doors to be opened. Also, try to leave a little distance between cars in front of you – so cars can exit as soon as their child is buckled in their seats. All students are released from the middle doors in the back of the school. younger students’ parents usually walk to the door to pick up their child. Older students usually know where their parents park and they just go to the car. PLEASE WATCH FOR RUNNING CHILDREN IN THE PARKING LOT!! Teachers will stay outside to make sure that all students are picked up. A diagram outlining the pick up flow is above.