The Viking Club

If needed, St. Thomas provides Before and After School Care Program for our students. The program is open to all Preschool – 8th Grade students. The program operates during the school year on all scheduled school days.

Before and After School Care is available for St. Thomas students. Hours are 6:45 AM – 7:15 AM before school, and 2:25 PM – 6:00 PM after school. Children can attend on a regular or flexible basis as arranged by contract between parent and school.

The program operates during the school year on all scheduled school days. Extended Care will provide care, supervision, recreation, enrichment activities to the children enrolled. Scheduled homework time and homework help are available. Rates are determined annually by the number of hours/days of attendance per child. 

Supervision is provided by teachers and dedicated before/after school staff.  Extended Care provides care, supervision, recreation, enrichment activities to the children enrolled as well as recess, snacks, homework time and then free play time. Scheduled homework time and homework help are available. Children can attend on a regular or flexible basis as arranged by contract between parent and school.We offer weekly contacts for flexibility, so you may sign up per day or per week.

You may register in the office. There is a one time registration fee. Rates are determined annually by the number of hours/days of attendance per child. Fees are payable through FACTS. A monthly receipt is available through FACTS.

For additional information, please call (847) 358-2110 #116 or email at